Even though sometimes having possibilities is quite stressing, I love to have them. It's wonderful to feel I have control over my life and that I can decide my next step.
I've never asked for a pet, never was my thing. But yesterday, this little bunny arrived home, and I just can't resist to stare at him, pet him a little.
I still like the music that I used to hear when I was a teenager. In that time, the only reality show in Mtv was "Real World", once or twice a week. Then it was all about the music and the cool clips between little advertisements.
Unknown for those who haven't spend their 80s childhood in FelFort's homeland, the little toys that come with the chocolate called "Jack" are little treasures undiscovered.
Even now, when I'm about to turn 28, I feel excited if I get one of these. And I don't love so much the toy itself but the memories that brings.
What a wonderful thing is to be in a place where everything goes around the cheese! Some cheese here, some cheese there, good bread, good wine. A little bit of chocolate and I have almost my ideal diet.
I love when it feels like spring - like know that even though it's winter, for some reason the weather is warm - and the daylight begins to last longer, and everything seems to be quite in its right place.
There are a lot of things that I like about San Telmo, but without a doubt, my favorite things are its balconies. Looking up while walking around the neigbourhood is such a visual pleasure that I can't resist it!
I can't resist taking my shoes when I'm in a park. I love how it feels. It's an awesome sensation to feel the grass between your toes. I'm in contact with everything else.
I love taking naps - or even sleep through the night - in a hammock. The sound of the hammock gently moving, that could be very irratating in other circumstances, makes me relax even more.
It is one of those ideal moments when the universe seems to be working just fine.
how people can talk about the same thing with five different people, all in
a row, it's a mistery. don't they get bored of hearing themselves saying